Yet another Camping experience. Easter in Australia is a must camp thingy. So we went to Forsters Valley, Lanis to be exact. It was good. I might not do that every year, but now we know how it is. Not superbly exiting nor very scenic, but it's certainly not a bad place at all. We went swimming at the beach on saturday, and I took some action shots of people in the waves. A fat guy, about 40 years old or so, approached me asking me what I'm photographing and demanded to see the photos on my camera. I showed him some, but then realised that he is having a problem with me taking photos. His reaction was: 'nobody else is taking photos here, so why should you?" I couldn't believe such a dumb argument. I told him that I am an artist and uses it for drawing, and he said that everyone there is an artist! Now, this man is not actually dumb, but just have a very very limited mind, and I'm sad to say that he was very much Australian. I'm not saying Australians are like this, but he was certainly a very average Ozie bloke. He went on to say that I don't have the permission of the parents to photograph any children. I got pretty upset as I know very well that I wasn't doing anything wrong in taking general shots. He threatened to report me to the lifeguards, and so I joined him and explained to them just how upsetting such a dumb attitude is. They agreed with me, but my mood to take any more photos was certainly ruined. My mood was quite spoilt for a few hours with the taught of such stupidity just driving me up the wall. Its because of this mindset that people are hardly allowed to do anything in Australia without being criticised and ridiculed, needing insurance for everything and simply not having any free will to live a proper life. I'm not going to be limited by the personal issues that others want to burden others with. Not for me, thank you. I'm free in my spirit and needs to stay that way if I want to be creative. I'm just sad that this could be the Australian way for many. Laid back and relaxed Australians? I'm not sure about that. Then again, I shouldn't generalse. It is in essence what my art is going against that I was staring in the face on Saturday. Instead of fionding it motivating, it drag me down and it left a scar on my creative freedom. And it certainly didn't bother the narrow minded fat guy who accused me of wrongdoing at all. I don't believe he has much feelings of any kind. I will get over it and this will motivate me to go harder against the multitude of mindless meak and weak porridge people!
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May 2015