Anyway, I'm way off the point now. So we drove far, and I'm beginning to develop a sense to appreciate the outback. I must admit that on our first outback trip, i found it boring, yet pretty in a strange way. But now I started seeing the subtle changes and there are in fact many changes and interesting aspects to the landscape as you move through the regions. So also the culture and attitude of people. I cant say that Tamworth did itself much justice, but that would again have been based on a handful of people that we interacted with in our 1 hour there. Of course in every town and city there would be nice and nasty people.
So here we are in Melbourne now. The winter isn't nearly as cold as everyone said it would be (as usual). We are getting ourselves settled and trying to get back into the swing of things. Cities are different to regional towns as people here aren;t likely to pick up a conversation with you. I guess thats just the way larger cities are because there are so many people. But people are nice and friendly, and it shows.
We are so happy to be here and I will be back producing art next week. I havent been doing a great deal of Art lately as we renovated our house in Charlestown over the past 3 months. I'm glad to have my lovely wife by my side in all of this, and Jesus as my saviour and my rock.
I new chapter... a new horizon