About TINA. We saw some real touching performances that almost brought tears to my eyes, not because it was sad, but beautifull and emotional. There was some absolute rubbish as well. Some people just arent very creative or original, so they shock you. Shocking people by being immoral and crude seems to be a form of entertainment as people will be forced to experience their lack of manners or simply immoral behaviour. The worst was Mark Wilson that is suppose to be a woman, who ends up having sex with his/ her dad on the stage, just as an act, by himself. Very distastefully done. Of course he would welcome any publicity, as I recon someone who behaves in such a disgraceful manner on stage, must be very desperate. This scene bothered me very much. I am a Christian, and I would like the world to be a good place. I honestly don't know what this guys think would happen if such behaviour becomes acceptable. It should not be acceptable, ever, it should be shunned and disgarded. The idea of having age restrictions on movies and shows are quite strange by itself. Partially I can understand that scenes of violence would be more disturbing to children. Somehow, we are allowing ourselves to be exposed to immoral and sinful scenes, and seem to think that we can handle it because we are adults? It's a strange concept and we need to think of the consequences it has on our psyche and spirit.
Plays such as Ran-Ta U, Mothlight and the The Dysfunctional Project was the highlight of my festival. These were touching works that did not require foul language or obscene acts to entertain, but emotion, and good acting made it magical and truly touching.
I think we need to look at what influence we have on those around us. Ultimately there are those that don't care much, steal, rape and plunder. There is a calling in all of us to help others, to uplift and make the world a better place. I feel strongly to be part of the second group and that is why I do art. The fact that I am a reborn Christian is not the objective here, although it enforces my philosophy. Immoral behaves, violence and destructive behaviour such as drugs, should not be promoted. It should be rather obvious that the majority of our everyday problems worldwide sprung from factors such as these. For those working in the entertainment industry; We have a responsibility towards society to have a decent and positive influence. To entertain with cheap vulgar crap should never be acceptable. What will you be remembered for?